Both a point of honour and a matter close to our hearts

Aktionsgruppe „Kinder in Not” e. V.

A tray of fruit

Support for children in need

Aktionsgruppe “Kinder in Not” e.V. was founded in 1983 on the initiative of entrepreneur Gisela Wirtgen. Its mission is to work voluntarily and altruistically to support children in need in developing countries. It does so through projects that are always based on the principle of “helping people to help themselves”. The action group is politically independent and non-denominational. It carries out its work irrespective of the political or religious environment in the developing countries concerned.

The action group’s website


  • Communication consulting
  • Project management
  • ...


  • Conception
  • Story
  • Print design
  • Web design
  • Translation management
  • ...


  • „Kinder in Not“ e.V.
  • Charity
  • ...
Aktionsgruppe „Kinder in Not” e.V.

What we are doing

We have been supporting the action group with our expertise and creative services for many years. During this time, we have created a wide variety of brochures, adverts, a new website, various films and much more.

Joey Kelly with a portrait of his sponsored child

Powerful visual appearance, focused lighting, the sponsored child in the centre. Prominent ambassadors including Joey Kelly, Georg Hackl and Kai Kazmirek have visited us for a photo shoot.

Philippines article from promotional brochure

Introducing Aktionsgruppe “Kinder in Not” e.V.: 30-page promotional brochure with large-format photographs from the projects and information on how donations are used.

Visiting the projects

Project visits to India and the Philippines have further reinforced our commitment to the aid organisation. Personal links have developed, we are supporting a disabled child through sponsorship and we are initiating fundraising and sponsoring campaigns.

Fascinating India

In India, the action group is currently involved in five projects which are focused on children with disabilities. These also primarily concern schools, preschools and health centres. The local partner is the Centre for Social Action Trust aid organisation under the leadership of Dr George Joseph and his wife Amitha. They are both doing outstanding work here.

Amitha is the heart and soul of Kinder Care Special School in Palamaner. In a very personal conversation, she tells us all about her work.

A conversation with Amitha

A girl laughing
People in a room
People in conversation
Hannah Stodt

The film: About Drones and People

After an initial visit in 2012, Carsten Stodt travelled to Kinder Care Special School in Palamaner in 2017 together with his daughter Hannah and the stodt film crew. The film that was shot there has been made available to the action group to help them generate more donations.

A visit to Indhu

Our sponsored child Indhu

On the trip to India, Hannah also got to know her sponsored child, Indhu. Indhu is severely disabled and has undergone a successful operation thanks to the action group. At Kinder Care Special School, she attends rigorous physiotherapy sessions as well as her lessons. This is the only way to ensure that she will have the chance to be able to walk independently in the future.

The two girls – who are almost the same age – come from completely different worlds, but quickly became good friends.

Fawn with flower garland

A tray of fruit

Pans on a stove

An Indian ceremony

Shelves with kitchen utensils

A little bit of stodt in India

The yellow bus

For the children of Kinder Care Special School, mobility is extremely important. Without a suitable and safe means of transport, they have almost no chance of going to school. Most of the villages are too far away, while the children’s physical disabilities mean it is hard for them to make their own way there. Carsten Stodt knew just how important a modern and safe school bus was from his previous visits. He accompanied the bus driver on the journey around the villages, helped the children get on and off the bus and witnessed just how much the youngsters excitedly looked forward to going to school. But the school buses are now starting to show their age – which is why we have sponsored a new one. During a visit in 2018, the new bus was officially inaugurated – with all that this entailed. And Carsten Stodt was able to make the inaugural journey personally.

The yellow bus


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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