
Interior designer

Petra | Interior designer

Interior designer

The beautifier and good fairy at stodt

She builds and beautifies the stodt agency nest with devotion and great ideas. As a trained prop master with lots of television experience, she has an eye and that special touch for the unusual, and knows not only what tools are available but also how to use them. She keeps a tight rein on contractors, and her talent for improvisation is legendary. Oh, and yes, she’s also the boss’s wife.

Warm-up question for getting started:

What’s your name?

Stodt, Petra Stodt.

Titles, titles, titles:

What is your job title?

Oh, that’s a tough one. Let’s say: Interior designer

Master, Dipl.-Ing. or Dr. med.:

What is your educational title, meaning what did you actually study?

I completed an apprenticeship as a window dresser. For those who are unfamiliar with the job: Window dressers design shop decorations and event venues. Everything the public sees is our responsibility. I also trained as an interior prop master. Prop masters usually work in film and theatre and equip productions, as the title suggests, with props.

What everyone has always wanted to know:

What do you do at stodt?

Everything the other employees at stodt don’t have the time or inclination to do. Arranging, making things nicer, basically building the stodt agency nest. It is a never-ending but pleasant task. And if anybody needs a dowel, I know where to find one.

Look behind the scenes:

What can you do and why?

Let’s see: I know how to hold a hammer, how a spirit level works, and when rooms are designed in such a way that people and animals feel good in them. I know how to plan and delegate, find contractors and keep them on track, and improvise if I have to. My years as a prop master for television were very helpful in that regard.

Experience is a good thing, too:

How long have you been with stodt?

Since 1999 – at first I was just the boss’s new girlfriend.

Customers, machines, pixels, a warm office or coffee:

Why are you passionate about your job?

I love to change things, make them more practical, functional and beautiful.

Be honest, but not so honest we have to censor your answer:

What gets on your nerves sometimes?

The fact that I have to load and unload the dishwasher every day.

Petra | Interior designer


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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