Things are getting interesting deep in the mountain

Tunnel renovation animation

VR landscape: Train exiting a tunnel

Tunnel renovations can be extremely challenging. Geological difficulties make it complex enough, but it is the tight schedules, the lack of space and the health and safety aspects that really make these construction projects so demanding. If you have a company on your side like the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group, which is experienced in implementing such projects and has a proven track record even on projects facing the most extreme conditions, then you’re definitely well-advised.


  • Communication consulting
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  • Brainstorming
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  • Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group
  • Rail track construction
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Tunnel Renovation Animation by the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group

What separates the Group from the competition is its use of innovative and modular machine technology – also included in the overall tunnel renovation service. The systems and machines, some of which were developed in-house, and efficient project management offer extremely high potential for quick and cost-effective renovation. Now, the Group has developed a standardised restoration method that further increases quality and cost-effectiveness. Our task was to portray this method and highlight its advantages.

Transport unit with lining segments

Our 3D animation shows the four phases of a tunnel renovation project as executed by the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group: We kick things off with the preparatory work and then install the temporary slab track. This is followed by the demolition and securing phase. The final step involves completing the interior and installing the new slab track.

The concept was developed together with the customer. Based on step files of the machines and PDF templates, the various actors were first modelled and then animated.

The animation is not only informative – it’s also entertaining because it highlights our attention to detail. The design of the landscape, the rendering of the tunnel walls, the ballast: all these little things lend the animation its own, very special character.

Transport unit with partially closed tunnel walls

Strong machines

brought to the foreground

The transport unit for installing the lining segments is a centrepiece of the animation. The precast concrete elements are used both to line and support the tunnel. The animation clearly shows how quickly and precisely the new tunnel walls are constructed.

Protective tunnel


made visible

Thanks to a protective tunnel, the tunnel under renovation can remain in operation during the day. To illustrate this, we let an express train pass through this section under renovation.

Loosening the rail fastening


described in detail

The installation of the well-defined slab track is shown in particular detail. Here, too, the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group impresses with its economical and technically well-engineered solutions.

Four languages

for international use

This animation is for website visitors and also used in sales pitches across Europe. In order to reach all target groups in their own language, this turnkey edition is available to customers in German, English, French and Italian.


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