

Denis | Graphics

Graphic designer

Self-taught with a regular degree and 1,000 solutions in his head

This is Denis, one of our graphic designers.

First he learned something to do with numbers, but then his creative side got the upper hand. Now he is juggling Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign and churning out one idea after another – and always in a good mood and tolerant of non-supporters of the Cologne football club.

Warm-up question for getting started:

What’s your name?

Hello, my name is Denis.

Titles, titles, titles:

What is your job title?

I’m a graphic designer.

Master, Dipl.-Ing. or Dr. med.:

What is your educational title, meaning what did you actually study?

I qualified in office management, but even during the training I knew I was never going to work in that job. But I did finish it.

I have a degree in graphic design. Actually, I’m self-taught, learned everything on my own, but the study programme was important for having it on paper.

What everyone has always wanted to know:

What do you do at stodt?

I’m part of the graphics team and design graphic communications using Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. I also supply and produce creative ideas.

Look behind the scenes:

What can you do and why?

I’m very creative and come up with a thousand solutions for every problem. I experiment a lot. Learning by doing has worked well for me. I can do things that I actually shouldn’t be able to do. Lots of laughter and positive thinking help me to get through the (working) day.

Experience is a good thing, too:

How long have you been with stodt?

I joined in November 2022 and hope to stay for many more years.

Customers, machines, pixels, a warm office or coffee:

Why are you passionate about your job?

I turned my hobby into my work. What could be better? And our office is really the greatest. It gives me everything I need.

Be honest, but not so honest we have to censor your answer:

What gets on your nerves sometimes?

Being Cologne born and raised, I get annoyed by Jürgen’s Borussia Mönchengladbach coffee mug in the kitchen, but i like him too much as if it dropped by accident.

Denis | Graphics


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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