Sersa Switzer­land

Looking for the next generation of railway construction talent

Sersa staff on a cinema screen

Is the train coming? Yes, it’s coming. On time. And if there’s a delay, there’ll be a reason. Have you ever thought about what’s involved in maintaining the railway track and rails so that smooth operation is guaranteed?

Many people in many different professions are responsible for us reaching our destination safely. But the work is often physically strenuous and night shifts are unattractive and not exactly family-friendly. At first glance, it would seem that getting young people enthusiastic about railway track construction isn’t so easy.


  • Project management
  • Brand storytelling
  • ...


  • Conception
  • Storytelling
  • Motion design
  • Interview
  • ...


  • Sersa Group
  • Rail track construction
  • ...
Film on recruiting the next generation of talent for Sersa Switzerland

Railway construction on film

We’ve come up with a film-style solution for recruiting the next generation of talent for Sersa Switzerland. The complete supplier for railway infrastructure and part of the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group offers enormous potential for young people in many different fields of work.

Our cinematic solution
Young Sersa employees

Arousing emotions

Our job wasn’t only to present individual careers, it was above all to convey the fun of working, the responsibility and the immense importance of their role, as well as the advantages of working during the night.

We’re telling a story

We’re putting a face to the track layer; as well as the commuter. What connects the two? One topic, two storylines; powerful emotions, pictures that inspire. The work on and in the railway line, impressive machines, a high level of responsibility, team cohesion, the best future perspectives. In addition to that, understanding that essential work is carried out during the night so that the trains will run punctually the following day. That’s the main plot. The setting: A female commuter is on her way to an important appointment. She brings everything together, provides background information and represents the connection to the main plot. The whole thing is emotional, conveyed via exciting pictures based on drone technology.

Young woman laughing into the camera
Sersa employee on the track at night
Bird’s eye view of Sersa employees on the track
The track is made to glow
Photo from the Lucerne Verkehrshaus

And finally, all-round perfection.

And by all means suitable for modular use. The whole film is being screened as part of a permanent exhibition in the Lucerne Verkehrshaus transport museum under the motto “Mobility of the Future” that will continue until 2022. There was a special honour at the premiere: The film was shown in the main cinema at the Verkehrshaus on a 25 x 19 m screen! But we also compiled individual cut versions that focus on different topics and have different running times which are intended for use at trade fairs or on recruitment days. Reusing already shot material – that too is a type of sustainability.


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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