Modern stone design

Realistic model garden for KOBRA Formenbau using VR technology

User with VR headset

The theme is customised stone design – a speciality of KOBRA Formenbau. The market leader based in Lengenfeld, Germany, produces high-quality steel moulds for the concrete products industry and regularly organises international technology symposiums. To convey the real diversity of stone design, the theme should be presented in as realistic an environment as possible for trade visitors.


  • Project management
  • ...


  • Brainstorming
  • Conception
  • Immersive design
  • Virtual Reality
  • ...


  • Engineering
  • ...
Realistic model garden for KOBRA Formenbau using VR technology

Our solution:

A virtual model garden presented using the pioneering technology of HTC VIVE. Once the user puts on the VR headset, they can move around in a clearly defined area. The user can then select the shape, colour and laying pattern for three stone displays which are projected onto the area the user is standing in. Realistic experience from all perspectives and a 110° field of vision. An operator from our company provides a brief introduction to the technology to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Glimpse into the virtual model garden
Various paving stones shown
Aerial view of the virtual model garden
Fountain design in the model garden

Take a look for yourself


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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